Monday, January 30, 2017

York U SP @ SPSP 2017

Faculty and graduate students from the S/P area kicked off the new year attending the 18th Annual Meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) in San Antonio, Texas.

We were well represented at the conference and presented posters and talks (see below)

Amy Muise

Broadening your horizons: Self-expansion promotes desire and satisfaction in relationships (
Sexual need fulfillment and satisfaction in consensually nonomonogamous relationships (

Joshua Quinlan
Personality and the Attribution of Meaning

Marina Rain
Adult attachment and transportation into narrative worlds

Ronda Lo
Sibling Differentiation Across Cultures

Meghan George
Do angry faces evoke greater implicit racial bias?

Joshua Guilfoyle

Sorry is the hardest word: The role of self-control in apology (

Ashley Weinberg

Intergroup Self-Disclosure and Racial Conversations Benefit More Than Just Outgroup Attitudes

Alexandria West
Biculturals' Experiences Shape Causal Reasoning (

  • York U S/P faculty, students, and friends enjoying a night out in San Antonio, TX